How do we support victims as quickly as possible?
Lead Agency
Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG)
Jennifer Porter
Partner Organizations
Project CHANGE
Partner Hospitals
Medstar Washington Hospital Center (MWHC)
Howard University Hospital (HUH)
United Medical Center (UMC)
University of Maryland Capitol Region Medical Center (UMCRMC)
Children's National Hospital
Fiscal Year(s) Funded
FY17 – FY24
Cortney Fisher,
Project Coordinator,
Project CHANGE
For More Info
Program Summary
The District’s Hospital-based Violence Intervention Program (HVIP) Project CHANGE provides services to individuals and their families who have experienced a life-threatening intentional injury. Project CHANGE partners engage with victims and their families while they are in the hospital recovering to create a support system that can lead to long-term change. Project CHANGE staff connect program participants with government and community-based services to promote healing, reduce revictimization, and prevent future violence.
How does it help?
Victims and their families who are supported by this program are vulnerable to many risk factors of gun violence. The positive relationships that this program builds with service providers help with physical and mental healing and increases safety. The goal is for these relationships to be long-lasting and to improve the futures of those already directly affected by violence.
How much is invested?
$2.65 million in FY23
Who uses this program?
Victims of community violence and their families with a focus on individuals who have experienced life-threatening violence such as gunshots or stabbings.
Project CHANGE provided services to over 1,800 victims between FY19 and FY22.