District Gun Violence Dashboards
The Office of Gun Violence Prevention (OGVP) shares real-time gun violence data to increase government transparency, improve the public's awareness, and support community-based gun violence prevention and reduction partners. All District crime data is available through Crime Cards. The dashboards below focus on gun violence only.
The data in these dashboards is updated daily at 7:40AM with the incidents from the day before.
All statistics presented here are based on preliminary DC criminal code offense definitions. The data do not represent official statistics submitted to the FBI under the Uniform Crime Reporting program (UCR) or National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). All preliminary offenses are coded based on DC criminal code and not the FBI offense classifications. Please understand that any comparisons between MPD preliminary data as published on this website and the official crime statistics published by the FBI under the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) are inaccurate and misleading. The MPD does not guarantee (either expressed or implied) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information. The MPD will not be responsible for any error or omission, or for the use of, or the results obtained from the use of this information. 1) On February 1 2020, the methodology of geography assignments of crime data was modified to increase accuracy. From January 1 2020 going forward, all crime data will have Ward, ANC, SMD, BID, Neighborhood Cluster, Voting Precinct, Block Group and Census Tract values calculated prior to, rather than after, anonymization to the block level. This change impacts approximately one percent of Ward assignments. 2) All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate, and attempts to derive specific addresses are strictly prohibited. The reports provided by this application include only events that can be mapped. 3) Please note that changes to MPD's PSA and police district boundaries occasionally occur. The statistics provided through DC Crime Mapping Application are based on current police boundaries as of January 10, 2019. 4) MPD is not responsible for the content of any websites that are referenced by, or that reference to, this web page other than other DC Government pages. MPD is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive, misleading, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties, and the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. The unauthorized use of the words "Metropolitan Police Department", "MPD", or any colorable imitation of these words or the unauthorized use of the Metropolitan Police Department logo is unlawful. This web page does not, in any way, authorize such use. 5) Sex Assault Data Availability: In an effort to provide more clear information about the most serious sex assaults that are most closely aligned with the public's perception of rape and attempted rape, the most serious sex abuse categories are included in the reports of DC Code Index Violent Crimes: Sex Assault. The figures reported in this category include First Degree Sex Abuse, Second Degree Sex Abuse, Attempted First Degree Sex Abuse and Assault with Intent to Commit First Degree Sex Abuse against adults. Data in this format is available online from 2011. Similar to the other offense data, the sex assault statistics are subject to change due to a variety of reasons, such as a change in classification, the determination that certain offense reports were unfounded, or late reporting. Please understand that any comparisons between MPD preliminary data as published on this website and the official crime statistics published by the FBI under the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) are inaccurate and misleading. 6) Please also be aware that on Sunday, August 23, 2015, the MPD implemented a new records management system called Cobalt. The offense categories presented within this application have remained the same; however, all statistics are subject to change due to a variety of reasons, such as a change in classification, the determination that certain offense reports were unfounded, or late reporting.